Scores and Comments

The Tallahassee Ballet, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score461.000
Average Score92.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 40 30 18 10 98
Davis Tenaj 40 30 20 10 100
Jenkins David 36 25 14 10 85
Klein Kathleen 35 28 18 10 91
Schnell Adam 33 27 18 9 87


Andree Dale - Score: 98.000
Impressive application, extensive work in the community, exciting video of work, thank you for not editing! more info would help, was that from 2015 when work was commissioned? if so more recent work would be a good inclusion, excellent report on Accessibility Compliance, check language "handicapped" should be replaced with disabled persons, questions of percentage of budget allotted to dancers salaries, fees otherwise excellent grant!
Davis Tenaj - Score: 100.000
{No comments provided.}
Jenkins David - Score: 85.000

Clear goals, objectives and activities, though some of the info under activities is really more closely linked with your objectives, right? The activity is how you reach the objective?

Impressive list of partnerships!

Total benefit seems high based on the total number of opportunities.

Your events draw 380+ each? If so, I am very impressed!

Can you be more specific in terms of your economic impact? What you list here anyone could say.

I like your branding quote!

Impressive budgetary growth.

Overall dancer pay seems pretty dwarfed by salaried positions. You list 95 artists involved, how many are paid through that line?

Klein Kathleen - Score: 91.000



Schnell Adam - Score: 87.000
This proposal is very good. For a request of this size, I want the writing to be a bit more focused and the through line of the proposal to be a bit more clear. Kudos for thorough proof reading and well written individual sections. Where this proposal lost points for me overall is simply the fact that so much of the funding was going towards administration salaries and the artist salaries are so low. If the actual structure of the company dancers was clearly explained in the proposal or in support materials, this proposal would have probably scored even higher for me.