Scores and Comments

Peter London Global Dance Company, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score446.000
Average Score89.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 38 30 18 8 94
Davis Tenaj 40 28 20 10 98
Jenkins David 34 25 12 9 80
Klein Kathleen 36 26 20 10 92
Schnell Adam 33 25 16 8 82


Andree Dale - Score: 94.000
Mission of this company is an important asset to the community and to the support and growth of Miami dancers.  Suggestions for strengthening the organization and the grant - Listing of events is vague and timeline doesn't match the proposed number of performances in narrative. question of amount in budget for contracted services and admissions in relation to performances projected.  Sample of Marketing Plan is not a Marketing Plan.  More elaboration on Accessibility is necessary. Videos too highly edited to really show quality of choreography
Davis Tenaj - Score: 98.000

Excellence: Is it that all of the of opportunities for public participation are not included in the proposal? How can the estimated number of opportunities for public participation exceed the number of proposal events?

Impact: Aside from listed opportunities for exposure, educational components are not clearly articulated.

Jenkins David - Score: 80.000

I advise you to have someone thoroughly proof your narratives for errors. It greatly diminishes an organization's credibility, despite any artistic merit of the program, to have an application full of typographical and grammatical errors.

Your objectives do not seem very measurable. You continue to grow by ____?

Similarly it would have helped me to see specific numbers, reaches, etc in your marketing and promotion plans.

The rate of growth in  Private Support: Other seems pretty high, is there a reason for that? The State support funding numbers also seem rather optimistic. 

I would have liked other information on accessibility other than a contact and an assertion of ADA-compliancy.

Good support materials, neatly laid out.



Klein Kathleen - Score: 92.000



Schnell Adam - Score: 82.000
This proposal was very light on concrete details of what panelists are agreeing to fund. While I understand your organization is transitioning from project based work towards a full season, the way the proposal is put together leaves many things unclear.