Scores and Comments

Jacksonville Dance Theatre

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score451.000
Average Score90.200

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Andree Dale 40 30 18 8 96
Davis Tenaj 40 30 20 6 96
Jenkins David 38 26 19 9 92
Klein Kathleen 35 28 15 7 85
Schnell Adam 35 25 17 5 82


Andree Dale - Score: 96.000
Exciting work, important creative voice in Duval County, beautiful photography and press packet, needs to spend more time with accessibility requirements, not necessary to have a space to engage with the requirements, some questions on budget, % of admin as compared to artistic, anticipated changes in revenue, what corporations and foundations be more specific
Davis Tenaj - Score: 96.000

Touring schedule and timeline looks exciting challenging! Are these dates confirmed by the panel date?

Jenkins David - Score: 92.000

Thank you for clearly setting down your goals, objectives, and activities. 

Generally speaking, this is a well-written grant!

Congrats on the budget growth from last year to current, and I appreciate your growth for next year is still modest.

Very attractive and informative Press Kit piece.

Klein Kathleen - Score: 85.000
{No comments provided.}
Schnell Adam - Score: 82.000
This proposal was well constructed and well written, especially for a young organization with limited budget. Unfortunately, having not completed the 504 Self Evaluation Workbook requires the removal of some otherwise beneficial points.