Scores and Comments

Heathcote Botanical Gardens, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score656.000
Average Score93.714

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Dohrman Kimberly 34 28 17 10 89
Gunter Ben 38 29 19 10 96
Kolenic Anthony 36 26 20 9 91
Mitchell Susan 37 28 18 8 91
Moore Regina 38 28 19 9 94
Schlehr Aimee 39 27 19 10 95
Winter Pioneer 40 30 20 10 100


Dohrman Kimberly - Score: 89.000
Great programming for the youth in your community.
Gunter Ben - Score: 96.000

Your goals, objectives, and activities paint a picture of an organization that is pro-actively networking to revitalize its community roots. That's impressive.  Thank you for making it clear that your affiliation with the more traditional arts -- particularly painting and music -- is longstanding.  Are you planning to strengthen that affiliation as you develop new events (e.g., including an exhibit of miniature paintings, a concert of short pieces of music, or a contest of haiku compositions/readings to launch the Bonsai Festival)?  Are you educating people about horticulture / gardening as an art form?

Thank you for the vivid description of the Gardens in your impact narrative. This makes the forward motion of the organization clear, and illustrates your mission.

There are shift points in your budget that would be interesting to have explained -- e.g., the ~40% of the expenses grouped on line 9 (remaining operating expenses) and big increase on line 15 (private support).  Notes in "Fiscal Condition" narrative could clarify these obscure sections.

Kolenic Anthony - Score: 91.000

E: Very ambitious 18-19 goals - achievability is questionable; despite length and volume lacks specificity in places.


I: Impact appears to be a catchall space for the Gardens' narrative history and other info; appropriate demographic reach and opportunity to individual ratio.


M: Strong history; superb partnerships that enable a great deal for this organization.


A: Very good.

Mitchell Susan - Score: 91.000

On your ADA / 504 compliance review do you have accommodations or plans for visual impaired and hearing impaired visitors?

You list a number of objectives for the organization. I am looking for objectives that describe the impact of the program on visitors and community.

Moore Regina - Score: 94.000
I am glad to see how the organization has created loyal and solid groups of volunteers, members and partners. In regards to Accessibility, I was wondering when Heathcote Botanical Gardens will create the outdoor interpretive signage and incorporate Braille. Overall, this is a great application!
Schlehr Aimee - Score: 95.000
Goals, Objectives and activities clearly identified and very detailed. Good impact and marketing statements.
Winter Pioneer - Score: 100.000
Timeline breakdown is very clear. 3 yr org growth increase by $70k is impressive.