Scores and Comments

ArtSouth, A Not-for-Profit Corporation

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score674.000
Average Score96.286

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Dohrman Kimberly 38 28 19 10 95
Gunter Ben 39 30 19 10 98
Kolenic Anthony 38 29 19 10 96
Mitchell Susan 39 30 19 10 98
Moore Regina 38 29 19 10 96
Schlehr Aimee 38 28 19 10 95
Winter Pioneer 39 29 18 10 96


Dohrman Kimberly - Score: 95.000
Well-written grant with excellent programming.
Gunter Ben - Score: 98.000

I enjoyed your website.  I found it eye-catching, active, and dynamically diverse.

The mission expressed in your narrative is clear, and moving. The range of activities described is impressive.  Specific examples of activities (e.g., types of dances learned) are helpful.

There are occasional typos in the narrative, and some repetitions (partnerships #4 and #14) that slightly tarnish the sheen of your narrative. 

The value of your programs -- and the creative spark behind activities like LiterArtcy and No-School Field Trips -- shines through anyway.

Your organization's attention to demographics in assessing impact is admirable, and your attention to marketing is impressive.

The budget notes in "Additional Operating Budget Information" are helpful; there are some big jumps in your budget figures.  It would be useful for your budget notes to explain some of those jumps specifically (e.g., the big jumps on lines 4, 14, and 17).

Summer camp testimonials are useful advocates for your programming.

Kolenic Anthony - Score: 96.000

E: Clear mission and goals; clear, measurable outcomes, though lacking aim/target percentages or #s; partnerships section is excellent and clearly articulates what these partnerships enable/make possible.


I: Excellent use of data to support the role of the organization and what the programming provides the target audience/community.


M: History of timely reporting; long history of fiscal strength; great evaluation methods; concern that percentage of "In Kind" could be a problem.


A: Excellent.

Mitchell Susan - Score: 98.000
I love everything about this proposal. It's well-written, perfectly detailed, and describes an exceptional program. Well done! 
Moore Regina - Score: 96.000
I was very happy with this application. It is strong, clear and very well written. You provide an amazing work to communities that need the most in South Miami!
Schlehr Aimee - Score: 95.000
Goals, objectives and activities clearly defined. Well written application with the right amount of information to describe the project. Very strong accessibility statement.
Winter Pioneer - Score: 96.000
Very impressive calendar of upcoming events detailed in the timeline. I wonder if the total individuals to benefit is accurate - shouldn't it be more considering the scope of the project activities?