Scores and Comments

Hernando County Fine Arts Council

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score631.000
Average Score90.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Dohrman Kimberly 36 24 18 6 84
Gunter Ben 38 28 18 8 92
Kolenic Anthony 34 26 17 8 85
Mitchell Susan 38 28 20 9 95
Moore Regina 36 30 16 8 90
Schlehr Aimee 36 28 19 9 92
Winter Pioneer 37 29 18 9 93


Dohrman Kimberly - Score: 84.000

1. I strongly suggest a policy, procedures and complaint process addressing non-discrimination on the basis of disability. You said you have none, but then state you follow the Florida statutes. So, in essence, you do in practice. However you answered the question no, because it isn't written anywhere. Board review and implementation of policy, procedures and complaint process is in order.

2. Great support letters!

Gunter Ben - Score: 92.000

Your program description is elegantly written.  Thank you for so clearly defining the recurrent acronym HCFAC.  But what does LAA mean?

Your love for Brooksville comes through loud and clear in your goals. Clearly, this is an iconic Old Florida town that you cherish.  Your love for the arts and for artists is less clear in the statement of objectives.  How can this series of musical concerts -- concerts that are admirably well integrated into the town's life --  become a multidisciplinary arts showcase?  Could a concert become part of Arts in the Park?  How can this program nurture and benefit the artists in your area, as well as nurturing and benefiting the town you love?  Are artists involved in the planning?

Thank you for making it clear in the impact statement that artists will be paid for performing in these concerts. Are your projected impact numbers in line with your goal of attracting 500 people to the concerts?

Your evaluation plan is attractively diversified.  Have you considered how concerts will be emceed?  Introductions that make audiences feel welcomed into new experiences can open opportunities for your artists and your citizens to explore new territory.

Your budget shows healthy surpluses in the bottom lines, but so many lines above the bottom are left blank that I get a blurry picture of how this program's finances will work.

Your plan to invest $6160 in performer fees is impressive, especially if you book 2 musicians per concert.

Accessibility training looks out of date.

Would it be to your arts community's advantage for you to propose Band Shell Bash as a specific cultural program?


Kolenic Anthony - Score: 85.000

E: Non-specific and under-defined - goals and objectives conflated with activities and no clear measurable objectives included. Partnerships numerous but under-defined - what do they enable?


I:  Scope of impact appears to be an "enhancement" role for other organizations; no explanation of limited demographic diversity; if Art in the Park reaches 5,000 then why is this proposal going to impact 850 in total?


M: Surveys at earlier events determining programming at later events creates a responsive dynamic, but it also creates issues for quality and depth of impact for those performances/events down the line; social media testimonials are more case-making material than evaluation unless a specific qualitative evaluation method is in place; sustainability section is very light.


A: Some components in place but lacking others.

Mitchell Susan - Score: 95.000


Good job describing how the project fits into the community's economy and vision.

Good evaluation plan.

I wish the support materials had included more than letters... brochures, photos from events, evaluation materials and concert programs would have made your efforts easier to visualize. 



Precise timeline is very helpful.

Moore Regina - Score: 90.000
It was great to see all the strong letters of support.
Schlehr Aimee - Score: 92.000
Goals, Objectives clearly identified, need to identify activities included in the project.  Strong impact and fiscal condition statements.
Winter Pioneer - Score: 93.000
Four public performances at a public venue - seems like there would be more than just 850 audience members. Objectives include "attract at least 500 attendees to the concert series as determined by audience counters at each event" - is that 500/concert? So it's actually a total of 2000 attendees total project? Is Eventbrite being used? It's a free service, good for marketing and advertising, especially since there's no ticket cost - that can be used to compare to numbers brought in by the counters to assess follow-through.