Scores and Comments

Blue Planet Global Education, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score670.000
Average Score95.714

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Dohrman Kimberly 39 30 20 10 99
Gunter Ben 40 30 19 10 99
Kolenic Anthony 39 28 19 10 96
Mitchell Susan 38 28 18 8 92
Moore Regina 38 28 19 9 94
Schlehr Aimee 37 28 18 8 91
Winter Pioneer 40 29 20 10 99


Dohrman Kimberly - Score: 99.000
Amazing project! Great work that is much needed.
Gunter Ben - Score: 99.000

I enjoyed your website.  The home page paints a dynamic picture of connection and diversity.

The program description is impressively visionary and well-written. Have you organized (or do you aspire to offer) units exploring art forms in addition to writing, visual art, and drama?  The program seems well-suited, for example, to sharing experience through songs and dances.

There are notable shifts in your budget where commentary would be welcome -- e.g.,  the 100%+ jump on line 2 (personnel:  programmatic), the 300% jump on line 6 (rent), the 50% reduction on line 11 (revenue from contracted services), and even the big increase on line 14 (private support:  foundation, most of which is explained in budget detail later).  Comments in "Fiscal Condition" narrative could elucidate.

The video is magic.  Thoroughly enjoyed the shadow puppets, and the way this well-produced clip illustrates your process.

The proposal you've submitted is elegantly mission-driven -- and your mission is persuasively stated and impressively connected with high-profile studies.  Clearly, you have a vision for making art that nurtures "qualities that form the underpinnings of international cooperation and peace."  Write on!

Kolenic Anthony - Score: 96.000

E: Very clear objectives, goals, activities; detailed partnerships; clear timeline; some concern present about the ratio of "products" or processes that are arts-based or following a particular cultural theory/practice, as opposed to general prompt-based activity.


I: Strong demographic reach and appropriate opportunity to individual ratio; clearly laid out and defined.


M: Good external support record; very strong evaluation methods, though not clear what thresholds define success or what the exact learning outcomes are.


A: Excellent

Mitchell Susan - Score: 92.000

As enthused as I am about the international exchange (and how do you deal with the very real differences in time zones?) I would really like to know more about the local projects aimed at at-risk and incarcerated youth. You might consider including this in future proposals. 

Your accessibility section does not address special accommodations for participants who have vision or hearing impairments. 

Moore Regina - Score: 94.000
Beautiful program! I was just wondering, in the measurable objectives, why 75% of students are able to improve their writing and artistic skills or increase their knowledge about other cultures. What happen to the 25% of children who cannot improve their skills?
Schlehr Aimee - Score: 91.000
Goals, objectives and activities clearly identified. Interesting project and very good application.
Winter Pioneer - Score: 99.000
Excellent promo video!