Scores and Comments

Leesburg Art Festival, Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score666.000
Average Score95.143

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Dohrman Kimberly 37 27 19 10 93
Gunter Ben 40 30 18 9 97
Kolenic Anthony 37 28 18 7 90
Mitchell Susan 38 30 19 9 96
Moore Regina 38 28 18 10 94
Schlehr Aimee 39 29 19 10 97
Winter Pioneer 39 30 20 10 99


Dohrman Kimberly - Score: 93.000
<p>1. Love the Emerging Artist section,&nbsp;<em>Walk with the Expert</em>&nbsp;and <em>Living Windows</em> program.&nbsp;</p><p>2. Great partnerships and inclusion with the community.</p>
Gunter Ben - Score: 97.000

Your activity plan is awe-inspiring -- brimming with great ideas, truly multidisciplinary, and creatively nurturing artists and audiences.  The measurable objectives make your Festival sound more limited-to-visual-arts than it is.  Could you add metrics for the music, literary, and theatrical elements?

Marketing:  volunteer recruitment practices sound promising.  Do they work?

I like the mental picture your descriptions give of the Big Blue Bus, but couldn't find literal pictures of it on your website.

There are typos in the Fiscal Condition and Sustainability sections -- word glitches that came as a surprise, given the elegance of the preceding sections.

Budget shows surprising swings in lines 1 and 11.  Why?

Accessibility statement is very pro-active; why is date of 504 self-evaluation 2015, if this self-evaluation is annual?

The "Walking with the Expert" program strikes me as a stroke of genius.  What a great idea!  "Living Windows" is proof that genius can strike twice in the same festival.  Add in the Native American Flute Festival, your other music programs, the Literary Arts Festival, and the Artist Demonstration Stage, and you've got more than a trifecta.  Kudos to you!



Kolenic Anthony - Score: 90.000

E: Good mission, clear goals/objectives; clear activities. While the components are all there, lacks innovation.


I: Partnerships are clearly crucial to impact, but it's not clear if the schools are defined partnerships so much as an idea or assumption.


M: Reporting to DCA has improved over last 3 years; evaluation methods are fine but not superb; a long history of success and evidence of sustainability.


A: Making some strides, but the facility itself raises concerns



Mitchell Susan - Score: 96.000

Strong case for economic benefit.

Interesting approach for using "expert" advice.

Moore Regina - Score: 94.000
Amazing two-day art festival in a small community. Solid partnerships but I was wondering why there is no letters of support uploaded in the application. Actually, it would be great if they were able to provide more support materials.
Schlehr Aimee - Score: 97.000
Nicely presented application.  Goals, objectives and activities clearly identified and presented.  Strong impact and management statement. Comprehensive accessibility section.
Winter Pioneer - Score: 99.000
Very well-rounded program. 20,000 individuals to be reached in two days? WOW.