Scores and Comments

Artmonia Inc.

Application Details

Proposal TypeGeneral Program Support - Discipline-Based
Request Amount
Total Score588.000
Average Score84.000

Panelist Scores

Panelist Excellence Impact Management Accessibility Total
Dohrman Kimberly 32 24 16 8 80
Gunter Ben 34 23 15 7 79
Kolenic Anthony 33 23 17 8 81
Mitchell Susan 36 27 19 8 90
Moore Regina 36 25 16 7 84
Schlehr Aimee 35 25 19 8 87
Winter Pioneer 32 28 19 8 87


Dohrman Kimberly - Score: 80.000

1. The goal, objectives and activities could be more organized. Refer to grant guidelines to improve. 

2. Will you have school children attending the performances as a part of their school day? You indicate you plan to benefit 200 school based youth. If you have a partnership with the school system, I would suggest listing it under your partnerships.


Gunter Ben - Score: 79.000

The repertory is attractive and the goal is charming. I am not convinced that one musical presentation makes this proposal multidisciplinary. Have you considered applying as community theater?

The impact numbers don't make sense to me.  

> Even the largest venue described seats less than 500 people; with 6 performances proposed, can this program really reach an audience of 3,000?  

> The repertory and the artists sound as though they would have special appeal to seniors. Will not seniors make up a bigger proportion of your audience?

> The repertory is described as already familiar to the audience.  Tell me more about what makes people come back, and bring their friends.

There are big shifts in your budget from year to year (e.g., line 1, 4, 8, 18). That's understandable in the world of presenting art, but it would make your grant stronger to explain big shifts when you describe fiscal condition and sustainability.

The narrative is slim -- so slim that in places (e.g., Accessibility) it does not put your organization in a good light.

You have selected laudable goals for the investment -- artists and website.  Can you tell me how you will use this investment to pursue your mission?

Kolenic Anthony - Score: 81.000

E: Clear mission; objectives/goals are somewhat under-defined and non-measurable (goals not limited to 18-19); partnerships underwhelming.


I: Clear demographics and opportunity to individuals ratio is appropriate; impact on audience is not defined, just a narrative of prior audience size; no real marketing plan or budget


A: Not very clear. Boxes checked, but no strategy or comprehensive approach.

Mitchell Susan - Score: 90.000
<p>Am I correct in assuming that most or all of these are Spanish language presentations? If so, that would be important to note. </p><p>I'm not sure about audience sizes - the anticipated impact in the grant are lower than the reported numbers served in the past.</p><p>It would have been helpful if you had included a sample evaluation in your support materials, </p>
Moore Regina - Score: 84.000
I was wondering why the proposal budget is so low. I am surprised to see that you can produce three plays with a minimal cost. In your proposal budget expenses, there are only two line items: artists fee and flyers/website cost. I would like to hear some clarification about your programming expenses. In the Accessibility part of the application, it is missing the date that the Abbreviated Accessibility Checklist was completed. I enjoyed watching the video work sample of "Latin Vaudeville". 
Schlehr Aimee - Score: 87.000
Multi Disciplinary indicates applicant should apply to the presenting discipline. Would have liked to seen a stronger case for fiscal conditional and sustainability. Strong accessibility should include more than just ADA accessibility.
Winter Pioneer - Score: 87.000
Total individuals that will benefit is 3,000? Seems a bit high, especially since the demographics broken down only add up to 1520. Also, at 3 performances where does the 6 public participation opportunities come from? They are only requesting $2,687 - why not request more and pay the participating artists better? After watching the video sample, the set-up seems very simple and 'open-mic' - I wonder if the simplicity of the project could be used to have more than just 3 shows. The audience loves the performance!